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NYC Police Pension Fund
NYC Deferred Compensation Plan
NYC Health Benefits Program (OLR)

NYC Police Museum

National 10-13

10-13 Brooklyn and Staten Island

10-13 Club of Northeast Florida

10-13 Clubs

Palm Beach County 1013 Club
Officer Down National Memorial Page

New York State Shields, Inc.

NY COP Online Magazine
Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance (POPPA)
Retired Public Employees Association

WTC Health Registry

WTC Monitoring Program

American Police Hall of Fame & Museum

NYC Police Pension Fund
NYC Deferred Compensation Plan
NYC Health Benefits Program (OLR)

NYC Police Museum
NYPD Memorial Home Page

NYPD Angels

NYC Police Department
Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association
Detectives’ Endowment Association
Sergeants' Benevolent Association

Lieutenants Benevolent Association
Captains Endowment Association
Retired Sergeants Association

Retired Lieutenants Assoc.
Superior Officers Association (Retired)

Nassau Police Conference

Nassau County PBA
Nassau County DAI

Suffolk County Police Conference

Suffolk County PBA

Riverhead PBA

NYC Correction Officers Benevolent Association

NYC Corrections FOP Lodge 89

National Association of Police Organizations


Westchester County Department of Public Safety PBA

Central New York Chiefs of Police Association

Police Badge Network
Department of Veterans Affairs

Fraternal Organizations And Groups

NYPD Asian Jade Society
NYPD Columbia Association
NYPD Emerald Society
NYPD Emerald Society Pipes & Drums
NYPD Guardians
NYPD Hispanic Society
NYPD Holy Name Society
 – Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island
NYPD Holy Name Society- Brooklyn & Queens
NYPD Marine Corps Association
NYPD Policewomen’s Endowment Association
NYPD Police Square Club
NYPD POPPA – Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance
NYPD Pulaski Association
NYPD Retired Sergeants Association
NYPD Shomrim Society
NYPD Steuben Association
NYPD Viking Association
Westchester Police Emerald Society

Westchester-Rockland Guardians Association

National Latino Officers Association of America

Rockland County Police Steuben Association
Suffolk County Police Steuben Association

Nassau County PD Shomrim Society

Police Emerald Society of the Hudson Valley

South Florida Shomrim Society

NYPD Police Reserve Association

International Police Association – Region No.2 New York City

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

New York Correction Dept. Emerald Society

Police Officers for Christ New York Area, Inc.

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